Aims & Objectives

  • To manage and control the affairs of SunUp International School & College and its Campus.
  • To provide, establish, maintain, control and manage schools and educational institutions and to do all such act, deed and things, as may be conducive for the growth and progress of the institutions.
  • To make provision and arrangements for imparting education in Arts, Science, Commerce and other subjects.
  • To hold and manage educational endowments, to erect, equip and maintain schools and colleges, laboratories, libraries and to make regulations relating to the residence and conduct of students, studding and residing in the institutions, maintained and managed by the Trust.
  • To patronize, encourage and grant stipends to poor and deserving students for higher education and specialized study in Science or technical subjects.
  • To print and publish books and literature.
  • To provide entertainment in the form of stories, folk songs, dances, recitations, literature, poetry, indoor and outdoor games, picnics, excursions and tours for the students.
  • To celebrate important days and festivals and to inculcate in the students the Sportsman spirit and creative ideas.
  • To work for the National Integration and defense of the Country through the education.
  • To entertain the students of the other parts of the Country with a view to provide education of Indian languages and Indian culture.
  • To send any member of the society to any part of the Bangladesh and abroad for study tours.
  • To produce the professionals with the assistance of qualified Instructors, Teachers, Professors, Artists, Medical practitioners and workers, both voluntary or otherwise.
  • To accept or collect subscription, donation, grants, services, and interest from any person, association or corporation.
  • To build, construct, maintain and acquire by purchase, exchange, lease or hire or otherwise, any land, building, right of common playground, park or any moveable or immovable property for the furtherance of all or any of the objective of the Society.
  • To sell, manage, transfer, exchange, mortgage, dispose of or otherwise deal with any property or assets belonging to the Society.
  • To give loans, scholarships, prizes and monetary assistance to the deserving students and others and to provide funds for the study tours of the members.
  • To take financial assistance, advances, loans, cash credit limits or any type of cash facility from any bank / banks, financial institutions and from any person or persons and to mortgage, pledge or otherwise utilize the property of the SunUp, whether moveable or immovable, for the above purposes, if required and to execute all relevant documents, which may be necessary for availing such financial assistance, advance, loan or cash-credit limit / facility.
  • To take steps by personal or written appeals, exhibitions, public meetings, entertainment or otherwise, as may be deemed expedient for purposes of the SunUp with a view to procure contributions, funds of the SunUp in the form of donations, legacies, annual payment or otherwise.
  • To draw, make, accept, endorse, cheques, notes and bills. To do all act, deeds and things, legally admissible as are conducive to the attainments of any or all the objectives of the SunUp.