Health Care
SunUp is equipped with first aid boxes for minor injuries but there is also medical support in case of major issues of the students from the efficient doctors of SunUp International School & College which is located nearby our campus. If a child becomes sick in school, initial medical care is provided free of charge. When necessary, class teacher or admin office makes home calls to maintain full and complete communication with parents and guardians, over telephone or face to face in person, so that all can work together for the very best interests of the children.
In addition to responding to accidents or sickness in today’s age, there is an increasing importance given to preventive healthcare-ensuring that children grow up fit and healthy. The school takes a number of initiatives throughout the year with this very concern in mind. From time to time, there is liaison with the medical team of the SunUp International School & College for inoculation programmes. In addition, on a regular basis all children undergo a routine medical check-up. This is an opportunity to check that all vaccinations are up-to-date, height and weight are progressing appropriately and that in all respects, the child is maintaining good health.